Cyber Security & Privacy Foundation(CSPF) has been established as a not for profit
foundation, registered as a charitable trust, with the main objective of providing
progressive solutions to tackle cyber security and privacy issues.
With black hat hackers and cyber criminals increasingly on the prowl on the net, CSPF offers
help to the netizens to understand their right to privacy and secure it. Our endeavors are
directed to creating a safe cyber society.
CSPF intends to sensitize the common public about cyber threats to their person and personal
information since it is the innocent who lose their privacy as they are not aware about what
the real cyber threats are.
Our major activities include organizing Security & Privacy seminars and conferences, to
impart the latest information for end users, provide In-house training to motivate more
security researchers and programmers and reporting vulnerabilities, which could affect
security and privacy of Indian users and Indian websites. We intend to report
vulnerabilities in Govt. websites and work with Govt. of India and various state governments
to make their online presence more secure. We will be recommending various free tools which
can be used by end users for security and privacy and research in areas of cyber security
& privacy.
The organization comprises of Chairman of Board, Board of Governors, Board of Advisory,
Special Invites and Technical Group(Technical CORE).
Board of Governors, Board of Advisors will consists of eminent people, experts and
people of integrity will form the highest advisory group.
Every activity of CSPF will be done after due deliberation and consultation with the
board of governors and advisers and under their guidance. Every activity will conform to
the principles of Safety, Security, Confidentiality, Accountability and Morality.
Technical CORE:
The technical team will consist of individual with expertise in various technical
domains including Ethical Hacking, Tool development, Security Coding, System Programming
and Network Security.
The technical core members begin with LEVEL I and based on their participation and skill
level will be moved upwards in stages to LEVEL V. The appraisal will be done once a year
by the Board of Governors.
Any technical member found not participating in the activities like participations in
website articles, FB, vulnerabilities/code contribution, seminars, R&D, Tool
development as applicable, etc. will be terminated immediately.
Researchers will be paid honorarium for their various activities. Good contributors will
be promoted into hall of fame. Every level from level I – level V will receive a
certificate signed by board of governors.
Our activities will be based on the end users requirements on cyber security and privacy in
the cyber world. We will evaluate all the required options, tools, websites, software that
are available. The core team will work with the content manager, advisory, enhancement on
latest technologies, Technical core and publish it once it is edited. Honorary will be paid
for articles that are accepted.
Vulnerabilities on websites/software:
Any Vulnerability reported is shared with technical core, which is then evaluated by the
technical core whether the vulnerability reported has real impact on creating issues to the
society and we support and help in fixing the vulnerabilities. For credibility we may send
it to Central organization like CERTIN. Honorary will be paid for accepted vulnerabilities
on software/websites.
Conferences & Seminars:
Conferences and seminars will be conducted regularly on the basis of cyber security and
privacy in a motive to increase more awareness to the common public. Conferences and
seminars will be conducted to both technical and non technical. Every lecture done by our
technical core is done by experts who have already made a research on their papers
Cyber Security & Privacy R&D:
Our foundation encourages R&D in areas of cyber security and privacy. The Trust will be
interested in funding these projects which could benefit the security of people and of the
country as a whole. We will place it before board of governors and take a decision on
projects. We may fund the project with objective that the end result will be available for
use at large for benefit of people around the world. Foundation will fund the POC and hand
hold the researchers.
Special software development:
The foundation encourages Security & Privacy Software in areas of cyber security and
privacy. The Trust will be interested in funding these projects which could benefit the
security of people and of the country as a whole. We will place it before board of governors
and take decision on projects. We may fund the project with objective that the end result
will be available for use at large for benefit of people around the world.
Board Of Governors:
Mr R Ramamurthy, Chairman(Board of Governors)
Dr R K Raghavan, Former CBI Director
Mr M R Sivaraman I.A.S(Retd) , Former Executive Director IMF
Mr R Viswanathan I.A.S(Retd), Former Indian Ambassador to Argentina, Uruguay
Ms Raja M Kausalya Devi, Honorary Consul of France
Board Of Advisors:
Mr. G Kumar, Former CISO TMB & Former CISO of Polaris
Prof. Partha Sarathy, Former Professor of University of Tanzania
Mr. G.D. Sharma, Former Executive Director, Food Corporation of India
Mr. Suresh Kamath, Managing Director, Patterns Software Design Institute
Mr. B. M. Khanna, Former Chairman & Managing Director, MTNL
Mr. Dinesh Kumar, Former Director of Indian Aviation Academy & Director Training,
Mr. J.K Puri, Former CIO & Executive Director(Information Systems), IOC
Professor San Murugesan, Editor in Chief, IEEE IT Professional magazine, Australia
Mr. Rajaram Venkataraman, CEO, Navya Insights (Innovation and IT Consulting)
Dr V. Venkatesh, Distinguished Professor, University of Arkansas
Research Advisory Board:
Anti Phishing(APMS) & AI, Neural Networks & Machine Learning
Dr AM Sudhakar, Director-CIST, University of Mysore
Dr Nagabhushan T N, Professor and Chief Executive, JSS research foundation
Technical Advisory Board:
Mr J Prasanna,Head-Technical CORE & Founder Trustee
Mr Jan Seidl,
Mr Ewerson Guimaraes, DCLabs(Brazil)
Mr Philipp Schosteritsch, Consulting, Austria